Go to Azure Portal App Services and click on the “Create an app service” button.
Give the project name. I created the Azure Web App name as StockNoteApi which means my Web Api end-point URL will be https://stocknoteapi.azurewebsites.net.
1. How to create a Web App in Azure Cloud
Azure Subscription is where you want to charge for cost and Resource Group is where you want to categorize your Azure resources. I choosed Publish option as “Code”, it is not a static Web App and I don’t want to deploy with Docker Container. Runtime stack was “.NET 7”. Since .NET 7 is a platform independent, I choosed Operating System as Linux. And I selected “Southeast Asia” region. “Free F1 Linux Southeast Asia” was my Pricing plans. Zone redundancy was Disabled, this is just for hands-on testing. Click on “Next : Deployment >”.
Deployment section for GitHub was skipped, because this exercise will use Azure DevOps repository. Click on “Next : Networking >”.
In the Networking section, just let Enable public access as “On”. Click on “Next : Monitring >”.
Monitoring was unnecessary for this hands-on exercise. Tags aso can be skipped and click on “Review + create”.
Just check configuration and click “Create” after confirming.
Deployment will be taken 1 minute.